A Belgian Treasure: Explore Villa Arca !

A Japanese inspired timber-frame construction, an open kitchen, a children's living room and a functional division into living and working spaces: Explore Villa Arca, a Belgian treasure by the architect Jean Van de Bogaerde. Our AO76 kids and are once again taking you with them on their adventure !

Our AO76 family has one special thing in common: we really love to look for & create beautiful things. It’s what we live and work for. When we saw ‘Villa Arca’ for the first time, we immediately fell in love. This place is all about beautiful views & architectural lines, beautiful furniture & materials, beautiful colour pallets & detailing… Beautiful everything ! We were blown away. It’s such an inspiring place and totally in line with the type of beauty we are creating with our clothes: pure, authentic and of high quality.

Even our little models where impressed. They showed so much respect on set when posing between all of the iconic designer pieces that the house holds. They loved the soft materials and the uniqueness of the furniture, just like they love our soft fabrics and unique artworks.

This magical place was a perfect location for our summer collection. We recognized the same elegance, long lines & light that our summer '23 collection has !

The interaction between their authentic masterpieces and our master-crafted AO76 pieces was true perfection ! Such a beautiful sight to see.

Great design is made to adore, but also to live in, to sit comfortable in and to enjoy. The same goes for our clothes. Our kids like them comfortable & stylish at the same time !

The atmosphere in the house was also amazing ! It triggered everybody's creativity and playfulness. We couldn't wish for more, when it comes to capturing a summer collection in all its glory.

We all went home with so much energy & inspiration, knowing creating beauty is the right path to keep walking on. Thank you Villa Arca, you were great !


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